GEOGRAFÍAS, ESPACIOS Y SOCIEDADES Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007)Fragmentación política en México: Saturación del espacio político y acción intergubernamental en un “laboratorio” metropolitano en conflicto Felipe de Alba (U. Montreal, Can) Abstract
During the last three decades, the changes of the Mexican State have been promoted for neo-liberal governments. The political opening of the regime and the opposition government’s arrival to the large Mexican cities, are two others changing events. As a historical breaking consequence, the Mexico metropolis witness a socio-institutional fragmentation process defined as an experimental champ between the radicalism and the concurrence capacity of the political and social actors.
Continuing on the inclusion of Mexico in the network of global metropolis discussion, we consider then the institutional fragmentation affects the metropolitan governance. From a recent intergovernmental action meticulous analysis, we conclude the Mexico socio-institutional actors will face, for the next years, greater challenges on the conflict management and the metropolis insertion in the national political agenda.
Keywords: metropolitan areas, Mexico, public action, global metropolis, intergovernmental