FLACSO review 29, Mexico 2007

Revista Perfiles Latinoamericanos 2007 de la FLACSO, Mexico. Enero-junio 2007 No. 29:137-160 pp
The factors of the social conflict in the water struggles in Mexico metropolitan area: the political fragmentation matter.
Felipe de Alba and Karina Kloster


Since the 80´s Mexico experienced a deep reorganization on its political regime. A series of reforms of neoliberal direction change the actors, institutions and the representations of the Mexican State in process characterized by two major axes: In First, the State reform from a roll of welfare State to a reduced roll (Crozier, 1987). Secondly, a transformation on the relation State - society, ones broken the corporative practices which opened opportunities for the budding of a new and different social protests, in a context of great problems and social deficiencies. This is transformed into social conflicts, when engendering ineffective ways of water´s management. In this article we analyze these conflicts in the metropolis of Mexico. In this work these conflicts can be explained using concepts like decisional crisis, political fragmentation and rupture of the forms upon which traditionally conflicts were managing.
Keywords: metropolis, Mexico, crisis, water, conflict, fragmentation, natives.